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Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Netvouz in spring colors

Today, February 3, Netvouz greets you with a brand new blue/green color scheme. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and finally it has happened. Because most users feel comfortable and like the way Netvouz navigation works all of the navigation still remains the same, so this is purely a spiced up color scheme.

In addition to this new color scheme there's a bunch of under the hood improvements, and as usual you won't see them - but they're equally important. This new release is actually the sum of no less than 20 sub versions of Netvouz that I have been working on for the past month.

So enjoy the new Netvouz color scheme!

If you have any comments or feedback, I appreciate it as usual either as a post here or to the Netvouz contact email.



Mr Rocky Top said...

It looks nice! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Why do I have to type in a captcha number EVERY time I save a bookmark. It's very annoying and a time waster. Please get rid of this "improvement."

I like the rest of Netvouz but the captcha really sucks.


Henrik said...


The "captcha" was plan B to block the bookmark spammers from automatically posting bookmarks.

I am currently investigating other ways to do this but the captcha was the easiest and quickest for now.

So please bear with it for a while and it will hopefully be replaced by something less intrusive soon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response on the captcha Hendrik. :)