Welcome to the Netvouz blog
Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

This is the Netvouz blog. To visit the Netvouz social bookmarking service go to www.netvouz.com.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Clear, clean, close!

Today I added three more features to Netvouz (this was a quick release, huh?):

  • Clear cookies - if you're on a public computer (such as in a library) you may want to clear the Netvouz browser cookies before you leave to be 100% certain no one else can log on to your bookmarks. At least I want.

  • Clean account - let's you delete all bookmarks, folders and tags in one sweep. Use it when you have messed up your account and want to start over.

  • Close account - delete everything and close your Netvouz account. Why would anyone want to do that?
These three options are all in the Tools menu.

I also changed the color of the folder fold-out menu from boring gray to a fancier yellow :-) It gives much better contrast against the white background.

Next up are some major improvements to the Link Validator (which has been offline for way too long now) and the Broken Links Manager (which most of you have never seen). It's gonna be state of the art among all social bookmark managers! Looking forward? Well I do!



Anonymous said...


Is your software available for download?

Henrik said...


Well, no, Netvouz is not open-source, freeware or any other kind of downloadable software. It's a web site providing you with a (free of charge) service to store your bookmarks.


ycc2106 said...

AH! My dream come true! ;)