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Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

This is the Netvouz blog. To visit the Netvouz social bookmarking service go to www.netvouz.com.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Status update 2006-02-28

Hi, just wanted to let you all know what's happening behind the curtains these days.

I'm currently working on significantly simplifying the administration of bookmarks. When in Edit mode there will be a set of icons next to each bookmark that lets you edit, delete or move the bookmark. On the top of the page will be icons to select all bookmarks and then the same set of icons which acts on all selected bookmarks. When hovering the move icon it will fold out a menu with all your categories/folders and you can just select a category/folder to move the bookmark to. Work is progressing well and if I wanted I could launch this new features in a few days. But I see a potential performance problem (read: it could be somewhat slow to load the page) so I'm holding it back for a while until I have a bullet proof design. I'm also looking into some Ajax technologies to make the user interface even snappier. Will see if that will be implemented or not.

I have also renamed the term "category" to "folder", which better describes what they are. In all browsers I have used it's called "folder", so I think it makes sense to use that term also on Netvouz. (Wonder where I got "category" from in the first place....)

So that's a glimpse of what's going on...

If you have any features you would like me to add, please do contact me and I will be willing to hear about them.



Anonymous said...

I like the modify bookmark tags feature. An option to modify tags over all folders would be very helpful (one normally has more than one top folder).

A firefox sidebar would be also very nice...

Henrik said...


Improved tag management is in the plan. With it you will be able to delete, rename, merge and split tags across all your bookmarks.

Sidebar is also in plan, but at a lower priority. We are also working on a Firefox plugin which works pretty well now. It will be made publicly available soon.

Also on the to do list is the ability to display all your bookmarks in your folder structure as an RSS feed so you can subscribe to it in Firefox. If we get that to work you could browse them just as normal bookmarks in Firefox.

Thanks for your feedback.


ycc2106 said...

Looking fawards!
(and diigo now can automatically one click Netvouz!)