Welcome to the Netvouz blog
Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

This is the Netvouz blog. To visit the Netvouz social bookmarking service go to www.netvouz.com.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Minor bug fix 2006-02-05

Just wanted to let everyone who has been trying to post a private bookmark using the Add2Netvouz button during the weekend know that.... now it works again. There was a small bug introduced a few days ago which prevented you from posting private bookmarks (public was ok), but that has been fixed now.

And in case you're wondering what's going on... I'm working on a new, much simplified and cooler, menuing system so you should easily find all the administrative functions Netvouz has.



ycc2106 said...

And you also did something to the encoding! I can see japanese and unicode while editing (or the other way around, I forgot)
Thank you!

Henrik said...

You're welcome :-)

ycc2106 said...

Q: Is there a way to display in the linkroll the last x bookmarks of a certain tag?
(Because I could replace the Bloggers 'recent posts' that allways shows from the viewed post, meaning if the reader is on the 1st post there's none)
Also is there a way to sort them?

Henrik said...


Yes sure there is! Netvouz has RSS/HTML/JavaScript feeds for all "views" where you can display bookmarks, so you can easily have feeds for a certain tag or a certain category.

The easiest way to get the feed URL is to browse to the bookmarks you want, then click the sorting options to get the desired sort order (possible options are rating, name or date, in falling or rising order) and then click the items per page to get the desired number of bookmarks.

Then you click the RSS feed icon to get the RSS feed and then you just replace the "feed=rss" parameter with "feed=js" to get the JavaScript feed.

Then you can further customize the feed using the options described in the Tools -> Linkrolls menu option.

Let me know if you have any problems.

ycc2106 said...

Thank you but I would like a way for the order to stay even if I change 'view' in netvouz after.
(My sidebar at http://3spots.blogspot.com/ is 50% netvouz rss javascript links now. :) But in the help page it said to be gentle, is what I'm doing gentle?)