Welcome to the Netvouz blog
Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Netvouz goes more social! (New release 2005-11-21)

In this release I've added just one single feature, but it's a major feature - the ability to see who else has also bookmarked a link. This makes Netvouz much more social (and fun to use!) than it has been in the past. And we won't stop there... The social features will soon be enhanced further.

Adding this social feature revealed one thing to me that I hadn't really been thinking of before - how many duplicate bookmarks people really have. So I wrote "Develop a duplicate bookmarks wizard" on my to do list :-)

Oh, yes, I've also fixed some (but not all....) problems in the import bookmarks routine. Importing bookmarks is certainly not a trivial task... And I understand why not all the other bookmarking sites have it ;-)


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