Welcome to the Netvouz blog
Netvouz - Online Social Bookmark Manager - Save, Tag and Share your bookmarks

This is the Netvouz blog. To visit the Netvouz social bookmarking service go to www.netvouz.com.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New release 2005-08-28

Because we've got a lot of new users who have imported lots of bookmarks (how 'bout 13725 bookmarks just for one single user... new world record??? ;-) combined with the fact that Google, MSN and some other crawlers really like Netvouz, our performance has dropped a bit. Performance is still OK, but I prefer to be proactive. Therefore I have changed my priorities and will work on improving performance (I was planning to do this later this fall, but I'll do parts of it now instead).

In this release, I took a shortcut and reduced the functionality for the search engines (Google etc.) as well as tuned some of the database indexes a bit. I'm currently working on an improved database scheme which will be rolled out soon.

For the normal user, like you, not much have happened except that your most common tags are ordered alphabetically instead of by popularity on your bookmarks page. Hope this makes it easier to find your tags.


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